Aplications for the support incentives “Programa Edifícios mais Sustentáveis 2023” and “Programa Condomínios Residenciais” are open


In case you pretend to increase the sustainability and enery efficiency of your house do not miss the applications for the incentives “Programa Edifícios mais Sustentáveis 2023” and “Programa Condomínios Residenciais”.

What is the “Programa de Apoio a Edifícios mais Sustentáveis 2023”?
This incentive pretends to finance measures for the renovation, decarbonization, energy efficiency, water efficiency and circular economy of residential buildings, promoting the improvement of thermal comfort and contributing to the reduction of energy bills and renovation of the existing housing stock. It is expected that this supports contribute tho achieve a reduction of, on average, at least, 30% of the primary energy consumption of the buildings. 

Who is eligible to apply, and which are the intervention typologies?

Individual persons and residence owners, living permanently in the house. If you carried out interventions in your house (posterior to May 1st, 2022) or if you are planning an intervention to increase energy efficiency for the improvement of your house efficiency, this is the opportunity you should not miss. 
Supports up to 85% in 5 intervention typologies are planned: Estão previstos apoios até 85% em 5 tipologias de intervenção:  windows, thermal insulation, climatization and hot water supply systems, implementation of self-consumption renewable energy systems and interventions related to water efficiency, with a financial provision of 30M€. 

Applications deadline
The applications are open until 17h59 of October 31st, 2023.

What is the “Programa Condomínios Residenciais”? 
This incentive objective is to finance energy efficiency measures for:
•    improvement of thermal comfort in residential buildings;
•    energy bills reduction;
•    renovation of the existing housing stock.

Applications deadline
The applications are open until 17h59 of December 28th, 2023 or until the budget is fully filled.
The applications are submitted by filling the form available at the area of Fundo Ambiental intended for the incentive. 
More information on  Fundo Ambiental